Appropriate CLOTHING FOR CHILDREN. Newborn infants are highly susceptible to the effects of cold, making it essential to dress them appropriately for their well-being. Unfortunately, there is a widespread belief that delicate infants possess a natural ability to generate warmth and withstand cold. This misconception has led to severe consequences. Cold affects the body in deceptive ways, with harmful effects not always immediately apparent, contributing to the misattribution of fatal outcomes or infants succumbing to unknown causes.


The ability to generate warmth in warm-blooded animals is minimal at birth, gradually increasing to adulthood. Contrary to common belief, young animals are generally a degree or two colder than adults, releasing heat more readily. This underscores the imprudence of exposing delicate infants to cold practices such as immersing them in cold baths or subjecting them to chilly winds with inadequate clothing.

Parents should adhere to the following principles when dressing their infants:

    Choose materials and quantities of clothing that maintain an appropriate level of warmth, considering the season and the infant's constitution. However, caution should be exercised to avoid excessive layers of warm clothing and overly heated rooms, as these can deplete the child's constitution, induce illness, and make the skin highly susceptible to cold.

    Design the clothing to allow unrestricted movement of all body parts, promoting the free release of sweat to prevent irritation and discomfort.

    Select materials that do not irritate the delicate skin of the infant. While wool may be too rough for newborns, it becomes suitable as the child grows older, providing a gentle stimulus to the skin.

    Keep the clothing simple for easy and quick dressing, minimizing the discomfort and mental distress associated with the process. Avoid the use of pins, which can pose risks due to caregivers' negligence or the infant's movements.

    Change the clothing daily to promote good health, as failure to do so may compromise the effectiveness of hygiene measures and contribute to skin diseases.

During childhood:

The principles governing infant clothing should be maintained, ensuring proper warmth, non-irritating materials, and designs that do not constrict the body or impede natural movements. In terms of warmth, it is crucial to strike a balance, avoiding both insufficient and excessive clothing to prevent sudden attacks of illness. Adjust clothing according to the season, with an early transition to winter attire and a late switch to lighter clothing.

Wool can be comfortably worn next to the skin during this age, but if it proves irritating, fine woolen hosiery is a suitable alternative. Clothing should allow unrestricted movement to promote muscle development and function.

These guidelines apply equally to both boys and girls during childhood, with no gender-based distinctions. However, as girls approach adolescence, harmful practices such as tight stays may be adopted, negatively impacting their health and body development.
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